Dear CBS Please Renew SCORPION for A Season 5
Tell CBS you want a Season 5. Use the hashtag #ScorpionSeason5 and tweet the below accounts.
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93 Reasons Why Scorpion Should Be Renewed
Add your reason to this tweet to be posted here. Be sure to add #ScorpionSeason5 to your tweets and tag either of these @CBSTweet, @CBS, @CBSTVStudios & @ScorpionCBS
Why 93 reasons? Between Seasons 1-4, 93 episodes of Scorpion have aired.
Dear @CBSTVStudios here are 93 reasons why you should renew #Scorpion for a Season 5.
# 1. Together we are #TeamScorpion #ScorpionSeason5
— Scorpion HQ (@scorpion_hq) April 22, 2018
Reason #2 This is the only show on TV is smart, witty and full of heart. The cyclone of fans who have been here from the beginning deserve a better ending for our fave team of geniuses. @CBS @ScorpionCBS #RenewScorpion #ScorpionSeason5 — Kacy Thomas (@kacymthomas) April 22, 2018
#ScorpionSeason5 We all need Cabe Gallo in our lives. A man of honor and courage. A man worthy of respect. He reminds us what it is to be a REAL tough guy, whether it’s saving the world or hugging his kid. We need Cabe.#CabeCrush
— Kate Simon (@KateSimonwriter) April 22, 2018
Reason #4 Renew @ScorpionCBS because #quintis deserves a baby!! Heck… so does #Waige! @CBS #RenewScorpion #ScorpionSeason5 (now I’ll let others chime in ;)) — Kacy Thomas (@kacymthomas) April 22, 2018
#RenewScorpion because it’s time to take Cabe and Allie out of the literal shadows.#CabeCrush The dude’s hot! Put him on a Harley with Allie riding behind
— Kate Simon (@KateSimonwriter) April 22, 2018
This group makes a difference. They put their hearts and lives on the line for EVERYONE. The writers cross boundary’s and take our team out in the world to help regardless of who or where. This team inspires and that says something. Keep our team!!❤️❤️ — Sheri K (@Sid4musketeers) April 22, 2018
# The original seven cast of Team Scorpion have the best chemistry & cast dynamics of any ensemble cast on TV ! The casting director was a genius!
— Dawn D. (@decede) April 22, 2018
#TeamScorpion is inspirational and their common goal reminds us that all Humans are equally valuable! “We Save Everyone” #ScorpionSeason5 — Douglas Hespelt (@DouglasHespelt) April 22, 2018
Reason # ? This show is more than drugs and sex which is rampant on many shows. It shows how ppl that are diff than the norm can make a diff AND reminds of the good of humanity along with imp of intelligence @CBS @ScorpionCBS #ScorpionSeason5
— Kacy Thomas (@kacymthomas) April 22, 2018
A child genius watches and learns about the chemistry, science, math and mystery that make up love. We get to join him, watching the adults grow with him. That ROCKS. Just like Ralph and our team. — Sheri K (@Sid4musketeers) April 22, 2018
There are so many more stories yet to be told,and this team deserves to tell them. #ScorpionSeason5
— Laverne Hendricks (@laverne2424) April 22, 2018
This show is so different than any other show. It’s like a family style show…don’t take it away. Please renew for a season 5. #ScorpionSeason5 #TeamScorpion — HeleenScorpion (@Tilikumgirl) April 23, 2018
In every ep, we can see special relationship between cast and crew: a Cyclone! I’m teacher and use #TeamScorpion to talk about friendship, bullying, respect, altruism, duty… Scorpion is a good example for kids! They need it and need #ScorpionSeason5
— paola santoro (@paolasantoro4) April 23, 2018
Like I said before, they show that people who feel different matters as well and how important it is to be open and support each other. Personally they are very very close and special to me and they’re like family. — EllieCalderon (@CalderonEllinor) April 23, 2018
Scorpion uses science, humor and a sense of a diverse family to entertain and perhaps educate us.Please do not cancel.
— Donna Sprague (@donnafannin) April 23, 2018
Scorpion came out during 1 of toughest times in my life when dog was dying. The show was very therapeutic 4 me during first season bc it helped me escape the now & focus on smthng fun & enlightening. Though 4 yrs. later, Scorpion is still the highlight of my life. #TeamScorpion — Beautiful-Mind-WF001 (@WF001Scorpion) April 23, 2018
#Scorpion should be renewed because I can’t imagine my life without this show. It makes every monday a lot better, the team brings so much joy and smile to my life I can’t possibly describe in words. #TeamScorpion is a family that I hope I will have someday. #ScorpionSeason5
— Beatrice (@MissBeatrice15) April 23, 2018
I am a huge Robert Patrick fan and couldn’t wait for Scorpion to start. It is a fantastic show with wonderful characters. I love learning the background of each individual person. It just keeps getting better! Please renew #Scorpion @CBSTVStudios #ScorpionSeason5 #93Resons — Alice Carol (@ackraemer) April 23, 2018
Where misfits make a family
— Jen smith (@Jenrebhope) April 23, 2018
There isn’t blood and gore on the show. I love that about it too. Need at least a season 5 close out. I hate it when they cancel a show with cliffhangers. We need another season. Please — Linda K (@LindaEpai457450) April 23, 2018
#Scorpion should be renewed because the show proves there are a lot of good people out there, that no matter how impossibe the situation is, there’s always a solution… #ScorpionSeason5 @CBSTVStudios #pleaserenewScorpion
— Beatrice (@MissBeatrice15) April 23, 2018
#Scorpion should be renewed because you can not possilbly leave us, the fans of the show, with the situation in wich season 4 has ended.. that would be just to cruel.. #ScorpionSeason5 @CBSTVStudios @CBS — Beatrice (@MissBeatrice15) April 23, 2018
Because family fights but they stick together. Cabe will reunite his family #TeamScorpion #ScorpionSeason5
— Kate Simon (@KateSimonwriter) April 23, 2018
#Scorpion should be renewed because it shows that science is amazing, and being so colled “neard” isn’t a bad thing.. it makes you special and so cool.. I mean c’mon even my parents got hooked on this show. It’s funny and inteligent. We need more. #ScorpionSeason5 @CBSTVStudios — Beatrice (@MissBeatrice15) April 23, 2018
#ScorpionSeason5 #93Reasons Because intelligent writing and fully fleshed out characters are too rare on prime time TV!
— Stacee Hawkins (@bagpipe_mouse) April 23, 2018
Scorpion reminds us it’s okay to be unique and even ‘weird’ because it’s great! We need: #ScorpionSeason5 — Jonah Vaark (@jonahvaark) April 23, 2018
My youngest son and I spend the time watching the show together. I feel it is an excellent show for us to bond over.
— Jeff Havron (@havronjc) April 23, 2018
#Teamscorpion means everything to me. The interaction between The fans (Cyclones) and the cast and crew is a blast. I adore every aspect of Scorpion!! It’s just PERFECT!!!! #ScorpionSeason5 — Charles Porr (@Chuckles217) April 24, 2018
#ScorpionSeason5 – We still need to catch Mark Collins!
— Tiffany Rausch (@LeighAnn1975) April 24, 2018
#RenewScorpion #ScorpionSeason5 Because this guy is a REAL superhero #CabeCrush @robertpatrickT2 — Kate Simon (@KateSimonwriter) April 24, 2018
“Never say never with Scorpion” 🦂 Please @CBS @CBSTVStudios we’re waiting for Season5 of @ScorpionCBS #weneedscorpionseason5 The best cast, the best crew, the best Cyclone! #TeamScorpion @robertpatrickT2 @torn2rbns @ElyesGabel @AriStidham @Tom_Massman
— paola santoro (@paolasantoro4) April 22, 2018
@CBSTVStudios Please renew @ScorpionCBS. I have had the pleasure of spending a day on set. It was one of the most memorable and exciting experiences I have ever had! The cast and crew are awesome! The show that has it all: action, drama, comedy #TeamScorpion #ScorpionSeason5 TY — Lee A Horne (@leeahorne) April 24, 2018
Because smart is the new sexy! ❤️🤓❤️ Renew, please! #ScorpionSeason5
— Jonah Vaark (@jonahvaark) April 24, 2018
Please renew @ScorpionCBS because I have been watching since day one and it proves that strangers can become family, albeit, Walter and Cabe were already family so to speak. @CBSTVStudios — Wendi Moore Oelke (@wmoore60) April 24, 2018
Last week’s episode still has me shook. @CBSTVStudios I have to see how this plays out. Great season @ScorpionCBS
— Nypical Tigga (@TALL_blackMAN) April 24, 2018
I cç want #ScorpionSeason5 so come on @scorpionhq #renew season5 c’mon do it for the fans all around the world either you do this or let us know either way it wrong to do this to let us hanging ❤🐨🇦🇺 these are the most talented actors I have seen in my life — offical Tessa Green (@tesspursell) April 24, 2018
CBS needs to renew #TeamScorpion for #ScorpionSeason5 Because the world needs more #CabeGallo and being nerdy is the in thing now.😎🤓 @CBSTVStudios
— ~Amber Dawn~ (@AmberDawnGlover) April 24, 2018
Every time #Scorpion airs, I am immersed with story, action, witty banter and intelligent sounding conversations. I’ve found #TeamScorpion to be quite inspiring. Happy and Sylvester are quite relatable when it comes to my anxieties, but I enjoy the entire cast! #ScorpionSeason5 — Griffy (@StormyGriffin) April 24, 2018
Because … Cabe needs a family, Walter needs Paige, Ralp needs Walter, Happy and Toby I need a child, and Sylvester needs to be ok (with Florence?). That’s Skorpion! And we … we need Skorpion!
— marcela gonšorová (@ziena1983) April 24, 2018
You should renew because Walter O’ Brien should have the chance to grow in EQ. Played very well by @ElyesGabel but the writers should let him evolve more. So he can let Scorpion grow and get his team back. And his family. #ScorpionSeason5 — HeleenScorpion (@Tilikumgirl) April 24, 2018
Renew Scorpion we love the show
— Douglas jones (@Douglas8126) April 24, 2018
Super show that does not deserve to be cancelled. I can see many more interesting shows coming out of this gang of misfits! Please SOS Save our Scorpion #Scorpionseason5 — Debbie Pumphry (@Dpumphry) April 24, 2018
You should renew because we still haven’t got a quntis baby!
— Holly Thorpe (@HollyThorpe14) April 24, 2018
@ScorpionCBS @scorpion_hq another good reason to keep Scorpion was brought up yesterday and that is the science that is used in every mission. Really enjoy that aspect of the show. (Also, can sometimes drive me crazy)❤️❤️🦂 — Penilia (@pjstevens0101) April 24, 2018
It helped me to be more understanding of people’s reactions to situations. Things aren’t always as cut and dry as they might seem. With a little time and effort, you can uncover the reasons behind why they do the things they do, leading to better relationships. TY @ScorpionCBS
— Simi Silva 📕 Author 📕 and 🎶 NKVIP 🎶 (@SimmiSilva) April 24, 2018
My wife and I have an extremely busy schedule. This is a show that her and I make sure to enjoy together. It is a weekly date night for us. — therealjohndeg (@neerdowell) April 24, 2018
#TeamScorpion has taught viewers just how important and cool science & math can be. Watching this show makes me want to go back to school. It shows how math and science can be used in real life & how it can be used to save lives. Please renew @CBSTweet @ScorpionCBS @CBSTVStudios
— Laura Wooten (@LauraWooten28) April 24, 2018
Scorpion has taught me so much and made me an overall happier person ❤️ #ScorpionSeason5 @ScorpionCBS @CBSTweet @CBS @CBSTVStudios — Savannah Blum (@savannahlamby) April 25, 2018
Please keep #Scorpion going! It is the best show on tv,and has everything a great show should provide.#ScorpionSeason5
— CountryMusicFan46 (@timspiv37) April 25, 2018
Happy. When she smiles(about once or twice a season) it literally lights up an episode. Watch het reaction to helium singing. Priceless. — james allen (@CorgisJames) April 25, 2018
I watch SCORPION to be entertained & this wonderful, talented cast and crew does a fabulous job of entertaining me week after week! @ScorpionCBS @CBSTweet @CBS @CBSTVStudios #ScorpionSeason5 #TeamScorpion
— Dawn D. (@decede) April 25, 2018
Pra mim é uma série ótima divertida seus gênio são lindos que amo muito todos fiquei órfã do Grimm mas Scorpion veio preencher esse vazio😍😘😘😘 — Solange Maria Fernandes❤ (@SolangeMariaFe2) April 25, 2018
Another reason Scorpion deserves another season is because everyone involved believes in the quality of the show in every way. The writing, directing, acting, special effects, music, are superb. Other shows pale in comparison. #ScorpionSeason5
— Charles Porr (@Chuckles217) April 25, 2018
Please renew scorpion for season 5! It‘s the best show ever and I can‘t live without it!! It must go on😭❤️ @CBS — Pati Chowi (@DerAgent007) April 25, 2018
@CBS @CBSTVStudios @ScorpionCBS you have to renew this show cause the team not only solves cases but also teaches. They show how the world how to deal with outcasts, Androids. They teach math and they teach how to solve problems. It’s so family friendly. #ScorpionSeason5
— HeleenScorpion (@Tilikumgirl) April 25, 2018
SCORPION is the perfect mix of fact, fiction, & fantasy……and it’s always fun! @CBSTVStudios @CBSTweet @CBSTVStudios #TeamScorpion #ScorpionSeason5 — Dawn D. (@decede) April 25, 2018
I need #ScorpionSeason5 renewed bc #CabeCrush #CabeCrush #CabeCrush 😍😎
— ~Amber Dawn~ (@AmberDawnGlover) April 25, 2018
The growth of this team and their adventures has been excellent and never disappoints! Bring on #ScorpionSeason5 — Rod Peterson (@rerepete77) April 25, 2018
My birthday is at the end of April so if @CBS will renew #ScorpionSeason5 it will be an excellent early birthday present. #TeamScorpion @ScorpionCBS @scorpion_hq @CBSTVStudios @CBSTweet
— badger793 (@CaptainBadger79) April 25, 2018
please please please keep Scorpion on the air alot of pepole still love this show so please pl;ease please keep it thank you — cliff sellers (@JusticeTitan) April 25, 2018
The episodes are quirky and fun- pure escapism for a Monday night. It ain’t over til #Waige gets fixed. #ScorpionSeason5
— Your1Backup (@Your1Backup) April 25, 2018
A show the whole family can watch — Jen smith (@Jenrebhope) April 26, 2018
#TeamScorpion makes my day a lot better. I love this show to the moon and back. So @CBS, please renew @ScorpionCBS for season 5.. please, please, please! #ScorpionSeason5 #pleaserenew #scorpion #Walter #Paige #Happy #Toby #Cabe #Sly @CBSTVStudios @CBSTweet
— Beatrice (@MissBeatrice15) April 24, 2018
Scorpion has taught me so much and made me an overall happier person ❤️ #ScorpionSeason5 @ScorpionCBS @CBSTweet @CBS @CBSTVStudios — Savannah Blum (@savannahlamby) April 25, 2018
#TeamScorpion has taught viewers just how important and cool science & math can be. Watching this show makes me want to go back to school. It shows how math and science can be used in real life & how it can be used to save lives. Please renew @CBSTweet @ScorpionCBS @CBSTVStudios
— Laura Wooten (@LauraWooten28) April 24, 2018
Renew Scorpion because fan fiction can only fix so much! #ScorpionSeason5 — Jonah Vaark (@jonahvaark) April 25, 2018
Please keep #Scorpion going! It is the best show on tv,and has everything a great show should provide.#ScorpionSeason5
— Mr.Blog (@timspiv37) April 25, 2018
Happy. When she smiles(about once or twice a season) it literally lights up an episode. Watch het reaction to helium singing. Priceless. — james allen (@CorgisJames) April 25, 2018
I watch SCORPION to be entertained & this wonderful, talented cast and crew does a fabulous job of entertaining me week after week! @ScorpionCBS @CBSTweet @CBS @CBSTVStudios #ScorpionSeason5 #TeamScorpion
— Dawn D. (@decede) April 25, 2018
SCORPION is the perfect mix of fact, fiction, & fantasy……and it’s always fun! @CBSTVStudios @CBSTweet @CBSTVStudios #TeamScorpion #ScorpionSeason5 — Dawn D. (@decede) April 25, 2018
Pra mim é uma série ótima divertida seus gênio são lindos que amo muito todos fiquei órfã do Grimm mas Scorpion veio preencher esse vazio😍😘😘😘
— Solange Maria Fernandes❤ (@SolangeMariaFe2) April 25, 2018
Another reason Scorpion deserves another season is because everyone involved believes in the quality of the show in every way. The writing, directing, acting, special effects, music, are superb. Other shows pale in comparison. #ScorpionSeason5 — Charles Porr (@Chuckles217) April 25, 2018
#ScorpionSeason5 Come on! I really want a season 5. Absolutely love this show!
— Adam Din (@theadamdin) April 25, 2018
Please renew scorpion for season 5! It‘s the best show ever and I can‘t live without it!! It must go on😭❤️ @CBS — Pati (@DerAgent007) April 25, 2018
@CBS @CBSTVStudios @ScorpionCBS you have to renew this show cause the team not only solves cases but also teaches. They show how the world how to deal with outcasts, Androids. They teach math and they teach how to solve problems. It’s so family friendly. #ScorpionSeason5
— HeleenScorpion (@Tilikumgirl) April 25, 2018
I need #ScorpionSeason5 renewed bc #CabeCrush #CabeCrush #CabeCrush 😍😎 — ~Amber Dawn~ (@AmberDawnGlover) April 25, 2018
The growth of this team and their adventures has been excellent and never disappoints!
Bring on #ScorpionSeason5— Rod Peterson (@rerepete77) April 25, 2018
My birthday is at the end of April so if @CBS will renew #ScorpionSeason5 it will be an excellent early birthday present. #TeamScorpion @ScorpionCBS @scorpion_hq @CBSTVStudios @CBSTweet — badger793 (@CaptainBadger79) April 25, 2018
please please please keep Scorpion on the air alot of pepole still love this show so please pl;ease please keep it thank you
— cliff sellers (@JusticeTitan) April 25, 2018
The episodes are quirky and fun- pure escapism for a Monday night. It ain’t over til #Waige gets fixed. #ScorpionSeason5 — Your1Backup (@Your1Backup) April 25, 2018
A show the whole family can watch
— Jen smith (@Jenrebhope) April 26, 2018
Please, renew it. Beucase when you watch Scorpion all the problems are gone and you just want to join the show and be a part of it. We need #Waige so much and the continues of the #Quintis couple to build a family @CBSTVStudios — Covinhas (@carol_covas) April 26, 2018
Scorpion is one of the most wholesome feel-good shows on TV right now. It’s also one of the silliest but that’s another thing I love about it! Even if we only get one more season let it be #ScorpionSeason5. This show can’t end with a bittersweet ending. I would appreciate it! 💜
— Mel P (@mannequinmel) April 26, 2018
SCORPION: my weekly escape from problems of the world. Most episodes contain edge of my seat action, a laugh out loud moment or two, and a dose of human relationships. That combination certainly works for me. Love the show! ❤️🦂@CBSTweet @ScorpionCBS #ScorpionSeason5 — Dawn D. (@decede) April 26, 2018
The demographic appeal of SCORPION is amazing. Check out social media fan pages. Fans include kids, teens, adults, & senior citizens, both in the USA & internationally! SCORPION deserves renewal! #ScorpionSeason5 @ScorpionCBS @CBSTweet
— Dawn D. (@decede) April 26, 2018
Love Scorpion, great writing,👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ — @carolhessen (@hessen_carol) April 26, 2018
the cast’s acting is the best I saw in any TV Show ever! SCORPION: a great show to watch with anyone. I love the action, the comedic moments, the explosion or two, and a bit of human interactions. ❤️🦂@CBSTweet @ScorpionCBS #ScorpionSeason5
— Monika Ramuz (@MRamuz) April 26, 2018
@ScorpionCBS @scorpion_hq @CBS @CBSTweet @CBSTVStudios Please, please, please renew 🦂Scorpion because the waiting is agony like waiting for medical test results and we need good news after the finale!!! Don’t leave us hangin’! #ScorpionSeason5 — Jonah Vaark (@jonahvaark) April 26, 2018
The character of Cabe is both loving and strict with his “kids”. He always tries to lead them in the right direction. He shows them by example the importance of honor and loyalty. #ScorpionSeason5 @ScorpionCBS #CabeCrush
— Alice Carol (@ackraemer) April 26, 2018
I love this Tv show, no need to be realistic and perfect one. I love the difference between every character in it. Every character have special behavior, sometimes silly but funny. The actors did a great job playing their roles. #ScorpionSeason5 — Renata Kaylo ∞ (@renata_kaylo) April 26, 2018
Can’t leave the story like this. The team need to be brought back together as soon as possible. Love the intrigue, drama, the friendships. / family.
— patsie clark (@pat_clark7) April 26, 2018
#93reasonswhyscorpionshouldberenewed because be my smart is not usually synonymous with being flawed, but scorpion shows that it’s ok to be — DeEstie Andersen (@DeEstie) April 26, 2018
More scorpion! Season 5! Let’s see their past! Happy, Curtis, sly, Flo, more of cabe!
— Savagesooner1 (@Savagesooner1) April 26, 2018
Need more reasons? Visit #ScorpionSeason5 for more on what the fans have to say. THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO HAS SENT IN A TWEET. KEEP TWEETING TO CBS THAT YOU WANT A SEASON FIVE.
Scorpion is not just your everyday crime drama. Lots of comedy mixed in. The characters are unique and very likable. Great chemistry in the cast. Definitely worth the save. 🙏🏼 — Debbie Pumphry (@Dpumphry) April 26, 2018
The sad thing is there isn’t enough character space for all I could say!! Scorpion is insightful, exciting, passionate, funny, nail biting, sexy, yes sexy!! Informative, talent filled, addictive, energetic, unpredictable, a ratings winner, running out of space! #scorpionseason5
— Charles Porr (@Chuckles217) April 27, 2018
I need more genius in my life! Please renew 🦂 Scorpion! #ScorpionSeason5 — Jonah Vaark (@jonahvaark) April 27, 2018
@ScorpionCBS @scorpion_hq @CBS @CBSTweet @CBSTVStudios Please don’t leave our cyclone in chaos! The fans would be crushed. Please renew Scorpion 🦂!! #ScorpionSeason5
— Jonah Vaark (@jonahvaark) April 27, 2018
Scorpion is another show I watch which covers real life problems like with Happy’s Pregnancy some ladies can’t get pregnant Brian keeping the secret from Paige some guys do keep secrets it’s a show that I can relate too so give it another season #Scorpionseason5 — Chris Roland (@6940717) April 27, 2018
Dear @CBS scorpion as a show has got me to strive for more in life and to think more outside the box it also has shown me that being the nerdy kid in school isn’t something to be ashamed or feel bad about but to be proud of because the knowledge I have can do incredible things
— Wbgreen (@WilliamBranca) April 28, 2018
What I love about this show is that even through the team is mostly complete of genious, the problems they face during a mission is their fault 😁 And what I love even more is that they give such good advice about life #ScorpionSeason5 — emo-â„“🙊 (@fxslayage) April 28, 2018
Scorpion needs to be renewed! It’s a fab tv show full ‘feel good’ ‘love’ and fun! I’m a UK supporter of the show and I absolutely love it! @ElyesGabel @katharinemcphee @robertpatrickT2 @ScorpionCBS @scorpion_hq @AriStidham
— LiBa (@LiJBanks) April 28, 2018
@ScorpionCBS @scorpion_hq @CBS @CBSTweet @CBSTVStudios Please renew Scorpion for another season! Nerds need love too! ❤️🤓❤️ And Ralph needs his family back together! — Jonah Vaark (@jonahvaark) April 28, 2018
@ScorpionCBS @scorpion_hq @CBS @CBSTweet @CBSTVStudios We need a season 5 for Scorpion 🦂! Best show on TV! #ScorpionSeason5
— Jonah Vaark (@jonahvaark) April 29, 2018
@CBS @CBSTVStudios @scorpion_hq . Please CBS executives. Scorpion still has a huge audience. We love everything about the show. We’re excited, we’re focused , we love the characters, we’re in awe of all who create the show. The ratings prove it. We’re a CYCLONE.#ScorpionSeason5 — Charles Porr (@Chuckles217) April 29, 2018
@CBS @CBSTVStudios @scorpion_hq . Please CBS executives. Scorpion still has a huge audience. We love everything about the show. We’re excited, we’re focused , we love the characters, we’re in awe of all who create the show. The ratings prove it. We’re a CYCLONE.#ScorpionSeason5
— Charles Porr (@Chuckles217) April 29, 2018
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